
  日期:2016-02-24   点击:1489



通用磨坊公司的十种产品中 七种达到减盐目标

通用磨坊公司(General Mills, Inc.)近日宣布,其十种产品中,有七种已至少减钠20%。作为一家食品企业,该公司为降低中风、心脏病等疾病风险做出了自己的贡献。Cheerios麦片和Yoplait酸奶等品牌制造商于2010年称,其将以2008年的产品含量为基准,于2015年减少10种产品中20%的钠含量。目前,通用磨坊公司已基本达标,但仍有三种产品未达标,即:麦片(减钠18%)以及Progresso即食汤料和Old El Paso墨西哥晚餐(均减钠19%)。减钠量最高的是小零食(35%)和冷冻比萨(29%)。通用磨坊公司健康与保健首席执行官Maha Tahiri称,有些产品配方的调整需要耗费数月甚至数年是因为公司对此“非常谨慎”。——路透社(Reuters)



厨师们对热门菜减钠 食客们毫无察觉

芝加哥小印度餐厅(Little India)和市中心某景点餐厅的大厨是三家餐厅的老板,自从知道了自己餐厅的用盐量后,他就下决心今年集体减钠,三家餐厅平均减盐量达23%。目前尚无针对减钠菜品的投诉,销售量也未出现下滑。南印度素食餐厅Mysore Woodlands的老板拉梅什·巴布(Ramesh Babu)称:“这太令人震惊了,我们居然用了那么多盐?”。而此前,他从未想过这个问题。Mysore、Viceroy of India、Curry Bowl以及Gaylord Fine Indian Cuisine是首批参加南亚饮食健康计划(South Asian Healthy Eating Benefits)的四家餐厅。该计划由Advocate Heart Institute心脏研究机构与芝加哥公共健康部门(Chicago Department of Public Health)共同发起,旨在减少芝加哥南亚裔群体(43400人)的钠摄入量。该群体的心脏病发病率是一般人群的四倍。——克瑞恩芝加哥商业(Crain’s Chicago Business)




说到肉类烹饪,就会让人想到准备过程中加入的各种香料和调味品。人们很容易在家中调制出香甜浓郁的口味,但那些不善料理的人则会选择那些既味道好又口味浓的速食品。关注钠摄入量的人一定要记得查看营养表,或者最好自己制作调味品。加拿大市场上的复合香料中,有些调味粉含盐量很少甚至不含盐,如Mrs. Dash牌烤牛排混合调味粉以及Bombay Shake牌胡椒粉和大蒜粉。但是,经过均匀混合的调味粉中仍可能含有80到800毫克以上的钠,例如大厨明星杰米·奥利弗(Jamie Oliver)的一份户外烧烤调味品中就含有855毫克钠。——加拿大赫芬顿邮报(Huffington Post Canada)


台北医学大学附设医院(Taipei Medical University Hospital)于近期启动减盐项目,以鼓励该院附近的餐厅减少菜品中的盐使用量。之后,在院方发布的附近十家餐厅菜品钠含量初期调查中发现,一碗猪肉面的钠含量高达1200毫克,是台湾卫生福利部(Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare)建议每日摄入量的一半。医院营养学家Chou Hsiang-te建议,人们在家享用火锅(冬季的一种常见饮食——在餐桌中央放置盛有汤料的金属锅具,待汤料沸腾后涮煮食材)时,应减少酱汁的使用量,因为一整勺酱油、辣椒油或豆瓣酱含钠量可高达600毫克。她还补充称,人们应换用洋葱、大蒜或姜等天然香料。——台北时报(Taipei Times)


据韩国疾病控制与预防中心2013年研究显示,65岁以上的韩国老年人大多营养不良且食盐过量。Sanggye Paik医院的Yoon Joon-hyung称:“老年人应特别注意自己的钠摄入量,因为他们很容易患上高血压导致的心血管疾病和脑血管疾病。”但是人的味蕾会随着年龄增长而退化,因此,老年人会在食物中加入更多盐。Yoon还称,这种结果是一种恶性循环,“如果人们长期食用高盐度食品后,突然降低盐摄入量,就会觉得没有食欲,并最终变得营养不良。所以大家最好逐渐减少盐摄入量。”——朝鲜日报(Chosun Ilbo)


很多巴基斯坦人都知道零食的含盐量高,比如辣椒薯片、炸菜籽(namak paaray)、帕可拉和萨摩萨饼。但是,即使不吃这些零食的人也可能无意间摄入大量钠。很多食物的含盐量都超出人们的预期,例如:三明治、饼干、印度奶酪和普通的新鲜奶酪。该文章重点指出,巴基斯坦饮食中的某些常见食物含钠量极高,包括酱汁、汤和焙烤食品。——论坛快报(Express Tribune)




虽然限制用盐本是防止心脏衰竭的基本措施,但在《美国心脏病学院:心脏衰竭》(JACC: Heart Failure)杂志中最新发表的一篇观察性研究报告中,由于研究人员未找到能证明这一措施有效性的证据,因此他们对该措施提出了质疑。虽然该研究因参考过往数据和采用观察性调研方式而无法给出明确解释,但实际上,心脏衰竭患者的死亡率或住院率大幅增加确实与限制用盐有关。——今日医学新闻(Medpage Today)


据《英国营养学杂志》(British Journal of Nutrition最新发布的一项研究显示母鼠怀孕期间的饮食会影响胎中幼鼠的心血管功能,食盐过量对雄性幼鼠的长期影响较大,食糖过量则对雌性幼鼠的长期影响较大。研究人员在母鼠怀孕前后及哺乳期分别对其喂食大量盐和/或果糖。母鼠经过高盐喂食后,雄性幼鼠会患上高血压,而雌性幼鼠则会在母鼠经过高糖喂养后患上高血压。作者称,研究结果显示,西方国家饮食可能较易导致非传染性疾病,“在母体内摄入过量的盐或糖的胎儿若出生后继续食用高盐或高糖的低营养饮食,则可能对之后几代的健康状况产生不良影响。”——食品导航(Food Navigator)




波士顿大学公共卫生学院(Boston University’s School of Public Health)院长桑德罗·加莱亚(Sandro Galea)称,几十年来,人们对高盐饮食不利于身体健康的问题争论不休,而这正是研究者的偏见导致学术研究被曲解的最佳例证。美国疾控中心(CDC)主任托马斯·弗里登(Thomas Frieden)曾于2010年在《内科年鉴》(Annals of Internal Medicine)中发表过一篇论文,题为“减钠饮食、节省开支、挽救生命,我们能做到”。对于上述问题,Thomas的回答简单明了,他称减钠饮食为“性价比最高的慢性疾病控制方式”,仅次于节制吸烟。这一结论对美国疾控中心目前在全国范围开展的公众减盐战略给予了有力的支持。美国公共医疗机构最高官员做出的这一强硬且明确的表态,或许会使人们误以为科学界已对高盐影响之广和减盐饮食可能带来的好处达成共识,但Galea称,实际情况远非如此。——财富(Fortune)


该文章称,人们现在可以在麦当劳(McDonald’s)和汉堡王(Burger King)这样的快餐店吃到既营养又能饱腹的早餐。该文章还列出了最营养的快餐式早餐清单,如Panera餐厅的杏仁藜麦活力麦片(Power Almond Quinoa Oatmeal),该菜品中仅含220毫克钠。尽管这些菜品的脂肪含量和热量适中,但是麦当劳的烟肉蛋松饼(Egg McMuffin)仍含730毫克钠,赛百味的鸡蛋奶酪三明治则含860毫克钠。——商业内幕(Business Insider)

健康饮食 欢度节假










        有任何问题或建议请联系美国疾病预防控制中心蔡颖女士(caiy@cn.cdc.gov)或Hadley Hickner




December 12, 2015–January 1, 2016



General Mills Meets Sodium Reduction Goal in 7 of 10 Product Categories

General Mills, Inc., recently announced that it had reduced sodium by at least 20% in seven product categories as part of the food industry’s effort to cut back on an ingredient said to increase the risk for stroke, heart disease, and other health problems. The maker of brands like Cheerios cereal and Yoplait yogurt said in 2010 that it was targeting a 20% reduction, relative to a 2008 baseline, in 10 product categories by 2015. General Mills has reached its goal in all but three categories, reducing sodium by 18% in cereal and by 19% in both its Progresso ready-to-serve soups and Old El Paso Mexican dinners. The largest reductions came in savory snacks at 35% and frozen pizza at 29%. Some product reformulations took months or even years, said General Mills Chief Health and Wellness Officer, Maha Tahiri, noting that the company “did it in a very, very mindful way.” – Reuters



These Chefs Lowered the Sodium in Popular Dishes, and Diners Did Not Notice

For the chef/owners of three restaurants in Chicago’s Little India and one spot downtown, just seeing how much salt they were using was a big motivator in helping them collectively reduce sodium by an average of 23% this year. None report hearing complaints about the new low sodium items or seeing a drop in sales. “It was eye-opening to see—like, wow, we were using that much salt?” said Ramesh Babu, owner of South Indian vegetarian restaurant Mysore Woodlands, noting that he had never thought to address it before. Mysore, Viceroy of India, Curry Bowl, and Gaylord Fine Indian Cuisine make up the inaugural class of the South Asian Healthy Eating Benefits initiative, a joint program from the Advocate Heart Institute and the Chicago Department of Public Health. The initiative aims to reduce sodium intake among the 43,400 South Asians in Chicago, a group whose risk for developing heart disease is 4 times higher than risk for the general population. – Crain’s Chicago Business



Sodium in Canadian Meat Seasonings

When it comes to cooking meat, all the flavor lies in the spice and seasoning in which it is prepared. Creating sweet and spicy mixes at home is easy enough, but people who do not consider themselves kitchen savvy may turn to premade spice packets for flavor that is guaranteed to taste good. People watching their sodium intake should be sure to read the nutrition labels—or, ideally, make their own spice mixes. In this look at Canadian spice blends, some rubs such as Mrs. Dash Steak and Steak Grilling Blends and Bombay Shake Pepper and Garlic products had little or no sodium, but the average mix can contain anything from 80 milligrams of sodium to more than 800 milligrams, with Jamie Oliver BBQ Seasoning containing 855 milligrams per serving. – Huffington Post Canada


Taiwan Hospital Urges Low Sodium Intake

Taipei Medical University Hospital recently launched a salt reduction program to encourage restaurants near the hospital to reduce the amount of salt used in their food. The hospital released results of a preliminary survey on sodium levels in food from 10 restaurants near the hospital, finding that a bowl of pork noodles contained as much as 1,200 milligrams of sodium—half the daily sodium intake recommended by the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare. At home, people should reduce the amount of sauce they use for dipping ingredients in their hot pot (a simmering metal pot of stock at the center of the dining table, often prepared during winter), because one spoonful of soy sauce, chili pepper sauce, or broad bean paste can contain up to 600 milligrams of sodium, said hospital nutritionist Chou Hsiang-te, adding that natural spices, such as onion, garlic, or ginger, should be used instead. – Taipei Times


Majority of Older Koreans Consume Too Much Sodium

The majority of Korean people over age 65 are poorly nourished and consume too much salt, according to a 2013 study by Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Elderly people should pay special attention to their sodium intake, because they’re exposed to the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases due to high blood pressure,” said Yoon Joon-hyung of Sanggye Paik Hospital. But taste buds also weaken as people get older, making aging adults more prone to adding more salt to their food. Yoon said the result is a vicious cycle: “If you cut down on salt drastically when you’re used to salty food, you could lose your appetite and become undernourished. It’s best to reduce salt intake little by little.” – Chosun Ilbo


Six Foods That Are the Ultimate Salt Shockers

Most Pakistanis are already aware that snack foods such as chili chips, namak paaray, pakoras, and samosas contain a lot of namak (salt). But even people who do not eat any of these snacks may be consuming a high sodium diet without realizing it. Many foods people would not expect are full of salt, including everyday sandwiches, cookies, and paneer, a common fresh cheese. The article highlights some common foods in the Pakistani diet that contain surprising amounts of sodium, including sauces, soups, and baked goods. – Express Tribune



Salt Restriction Harmful in Heart Failure?

Sodium restriction is a cornerstone of heart failure management, but a new observational study in JACC: Heart Failure raises questions about sodium restriction in these patients. Researchers found no evidence to support sodium restriction for patients with heart failure; in fact, sodium restriction was associated with significant increase in the risk for death or heart failure hospitalization, although any firm interpretation is impossible due to the retrospective and observational nature of the study. – Medpage Today


Mothers’ Salt and Sugar Intake Affects Offspring Long Term

Mother rats’ diets affect their offspring’s cardiovascular function, with excess salt having a greater lasting effect on male offspring and excess sugar on female offspring, according to a new study in the British Journal of Nutrition. Rats were fed a high salt and/or fructose diet before and during pregnancy and for the duration of lactation. Following a maternal high salt diet, male offspring became hypertensive and, conversely, female offspring became hypotensive. The authors said that the results show marked implications for noncommunicable diseases in Western societies: “Continued intake of refined, low nutritional-quality diets in the next generation, following maternal overconsumption, has the potential to vertically transmit adverse health outcomes through generations.” – Food Navigator



This Is Why People Cannot Always Trust Data

The decades-old debate about whether high levels of dietary salt are bad for your health is a perfect example of how academic studies can be distorted by researchers’ biases, according to Sandro Galea, dean of Boston University’s School of Public Health. The answer to that question is straightforward for CDC Director Thomas Frieden, who wrote a 2010 paper in the Annals of Internal Medicine called “We can reduce dietary sodium, save money, and save lives.” Frieden called reducing sodium intake in our diet “the most cost-effective intervention to control chronic disease” after tobacco control—a conclusion that underpins CDC’s current nationwide strategy to reduce the public’s consumption of salt. Such a strong and clear statement from the leading public health official in the country might make people think there is scientific consensus on the population effects of elevated salt and about the potential benefit of reducing levels of salt in our food, but Galea says that is far from the case. – Fortune


The Healthiest Breakfasts at 11 Fast Food Restaurants

People can get breakfast that is nutritious and filling at fast food places like McDonald’s and Burger King, according to this article. The article compiles a list of the healthiest fast food breakfasts, such as Panera’s Power Almond Quinoa Oatmeal, which contains only 220 milligrams of sodium. However, although they contain moderate amounts of fat and calories, a McDonald’s Egg McMuffin contains 730 milligrams of sodium, and a Subway Egg and Cheese Sandwich contains 860 milligrams. – Business Insider


Eating Healthy for the Holidays

Holidays bring friends and families together, and the gatherings tend to be centered on food. There are ways to enjoy the holidays while still maintaining good health. Remember that holidays are about family and friends, not the food. This article offers tips to help make healthier choices during the holidays, including limiting sodium in many holiday favorites. Breads, rolls, and gravies tend to be high in sodium, so people should eat less of them. Using herbs and spices instead of salt and butter and choosing fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned—or rinsing canned products—are also good options. – Journal Times


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