
  日期:2016-10-24   点击:2380





CDC是一个在线、互动式的学校平台,允许用户了解全学校,全社区,全部儿童(WSCC)模式如何渗透进教室、自助餐厅、体育馆、游乐场、校长办公室、顾问办公室、护士办公室 ,周边社区和家庭。虚拟健康学校通过学校的熟悉环境赋予WSCC模式生命力,向教育专业人员展示了该虚拟学校。该虚拟学校如同他们所处的学校一样,与时俱进以满足全部孩子的学习需要。这个工具可以为任何希望学生和工作人员身处于更健康的本地学校的人使用。


食品服务指南(FSG)可以影响无数份膳食,并在向政府职员、访客和项目参与者灌输健康文化方面发挥重要作用。 由CDC、美国心脏协会和公共卫生法律中心撰写,并在美国健康促进杂志上发表的研究描述了评估食品服务指南(FSG)政策的分类工具。 已确认31个州具有FSG,其中15个政策在研究期间获得通过。仅10个政策符合大多数FSG政策的属性。本研究提供了国家FSG的快照,强调了采纳指南和提供未来FSG政策评估信息的机会。


SHAKE减盐技术包由世界卫生组织(WHO)与世界卫生组织人口减盐协作中心,通过引入全球减盐网的减盐专家,在澳大利亚悉尼的乔治国际卫生研究所合作开发。 SHAKE包计划旨在帮助成员国制定、实施和监测减盐策略,以使其能够减少其居民的盐摄入量。随着减盐WHO SHAKE包的推出,新的方案出台,称为全球心计划,旨在减少心血管疾病,该疾病是世界上主要的死亡原因。 该方案是WHO,美国CDC和其他合作伙伴,包括世界心脏联盟,世界卒中组织,国际高血压学会和世界高血压联盟的合作产物。 全球心计划包括三个技术包:SHAKE:旨在减少盐消耗;HEARTS:为各国提供将心血管疾病(CVD)管理纳入初级卫生保健的工具;及MPOWER:旨在帮助各国实施烟草控制。


美国食品和药物监督管理局(FDA)宣布,它已开始执行公共程序,重新定义食品标签上“健康”营养成分要求。 重新定义“健康”是总体计划的一部分,为消费者提供信息和工具,使他们能够轻松、快速地作出符合公共卫生建议的食物选择,并鼓励行业开发更健康的食物。 尽管FDA正在考虑如何将术语“健康”重新定义为营养含量的要求,食品制造商仍可以继续在符合当前监管的食品上使用“健康”一词。 FDA还发布了一份指导性文件,指出如果符合指南文件中所述的特定标准,则FDA不打算对使用对该词的产品强制执行监管要求。








Hello –

This week’s CDC Salt e-Update includes CDC School Nutrition Branch’s New Virtual Healthy School Tool, a review of a new study on State Food Service Guideline Policies, WHO’s SHAKE Package for Salt Reduction and Global Hearts Initiative launch, and FDA’s Redefining “Healthy” Claim for Food Labeling announcement.

CDC School Nutrition Branch’s New Virtual Healthy School Tool

CDC’s Virtual Healthy School is an online, interactive school building that allows users to see how the components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model are integrated into the classroom, cafeteria, gymnasium, playground, principal’s office, counselor’s office, nurse’s office, surrounding community, and home.  The Virtual Healthy School gives life to the WSCC model through the familiar environment of a school, showing education professionals that schools just like theirs can easily be transformed to meet the needs of the whole child so that every student is ready to learn.  This tool can be used by anyone looking to make their local school a healthier place for students and staff.

New Study on State Food Service Guideline Policies

Food service guidelines can impact millions of meals and play an important role in providing a culture of health for government employees, visitors, and program participants. Written by the CDC, the American Heart Association, and Public Health Law Center, the study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion describes a classification tool to assess Food Service Guideline (FSG) policy. 31 states were identified as having FSGs, with 15 of those policies being adopted during the study period.  Only 10 policies aligned with the majority of the FSG policy attributes. This study offers a snapshot of state FSGs, highlighting opportunities to adopt guidelines and provide information for future FSG policy assessments.

WHO SHAKE Package for Salt Reduction and Global Hearts Initiative Launched

The SHAKE Technical Package for Salt Reduction has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Population Salt Reduction at the George Institute for Global Health in Sydney, Australia, with input from a global network of salt reduction experts. The SHAKE Package has been designed to assist Member States with the development, implementation and monitoring of salt reduction strategies to enable them to achieve a reduction in population salt intake.

Accompanying the launch of the WHO SHAKE Package for Salt Reduction is a new initiative called the Global Hearts Initiative, which aims to reduce cardiovascular disease, the world’s leading cause of death.  It is a collaboration between WHO, the U.S. CDC, and other partners, including the World Heart Federation, the World Stroke Organization, the International Society of Hypertension, and the World Hypertension League.  The Global Hearts Initiative comprises three technical packages: SHAKE: which aims to reduce salt consumption, HEARTS: which gives countries the tools to incorporate CVD management into primary healthcare, and MPOWER: which aims to help countries implement tobacco control.

FDA to Redefine “Healthy” Claim for Food Labeling

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it has started a public process to redefine the “healthy” nutrient content claim for food labeling. Redefining “healthy” is part of an overall plan to provide consumers with information and tools to enable them to easily and quickly make food choices consistent with public health recommendations and to encourage the development of healthier foods by the industry.  While FDA is considering how to redefine the term “healthy” as a nutrient content claim, food manufacturers can continue to use the term “healthy” on foods that meet the current regulatory definition. FDA has also issued a guidance document stating that FDA does not intend to enforce the regulatory requirements for products that use the term if certain criteria described in the guidance document are met.

Full Announcement and Guidance.

Thank you for your continued engagement in sodium reduction.

We are sending this information in an effort to inform our stakeholders of relevant sodium reduction efforts that are occurring. The purpose of this communication is to provide continued follow up with stakeholders and create a network of partners working on and interested in sodium reduction. The Salt e-Update will be sent every two weeks. For questions or comments, or to be added or removed from this communication, contact Hadley Hickner (xxm5@cdc.gov)

Salt e-Update content is selected solely on the basis of newsworthiness and potential interest to readers. CDC assumes no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC. Opinions expressed by the original authors of items included in Salt e-Update, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the official position of CDC. References to products, trade names, publications, news sources, and Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by the CDC.
