
  日期:2016-09-18   点击:1718



2016618- 30


先是烟草税,再是糖税, 接下来会是盐税吗?

征收盐税是否合理?尽管美国还没有认真考虑是否征收盐税,但在其它地区盐税的概念正在引起人们的关注,而一些美国专家认为盐税至少应该考虑。约翰·霍普金斯布隆博格公共卫生学院国际健康学的副教授布鲁斯·Y·李(Bruce Y. Lee)称,“应该对此展开讨论。”他称,医学专家应该对征收该税的钠含量标准进行讨论。与此同时,盐产业对美国食品和药品监督管理局进行了谴责,称其指南草案对加工食品与餐馆食品中减钠的规定只是危言耸听。– CBS 新闻                                                          



从6月30日开始,随着减少加工食品中营养元素的新法规开始生效,南非人的盐摄入量将会有所减少。在2013年3月食品规章条例的修正案实施之后,食品制造商被给予三年的实行期,进行产品配方的修改试验,制作消费者仍然能够接受的含盐量更少的产品。卫生部长亚伦·莫茨欧勒迪(Aaron Motsoaledi)颁布的法案强制规定了许多大众食品盐含量的最高限量目标,食品种类包括面包、早餐麦片、人造黄油与黄油、开胃小吃、加工肉类、汤羹与肉粉、速食面与高汤。每种食品在2016年需要达到各自的盐含量目标,并在2019年需要达到更严格的限量目标。– Health24网


根据Change集团对100位招聘的厨师进行的调查,近90%的英国厨师在规划菜单时,会将对谷蛋白及其它食物不耐受的人群纳入考虑之中,但很少有厨师会想办法减少盐、糖及脂肪的用量。Change集团的业权共有人克雷格·艾伦(Craig Allen)称,“我们为伦敦顶级餐厅招聘厨师时,比较注重经验,技能,对调味、菜肴及技术的了解与认识。我们很少会问及厨师在饮食及营养方面接受的培训经历。”但这种趋势可能会发生变化,艾伦称,“我们的调查显示许多厨师——超过半数的厨师——已经接受过饮食与营养方面的培训,他们显然拥有这方面的知识。”– Eat Out



根据加拿大泌尿协会在近期年会中提出的最新研究结果,尿液中钠含量的提高会对高钙尿症产生重大的影响,而尿液中钙含量的提高会对肾结石疾病的复发产生重大影响。研究学者对914位肾结石患者的预期评估数据进行了分析,其中189人的尿液中钠含量提高。在这些人中,81人同时患有高钙尿症,这个比率是全部参与研究的人中患高钙尿症比率的二倍。在后续的24小时尿液分析后,只有60位患者的尿液能够达到正常的钠含量水平,85%的患者高钙尿症有所消退。研究学者得出结论,应该建议肾结石患者注意限制饮食中的盐摄入量。–肾脏学和泌尿学新闻网(Renal & Urology News)



超过60%食用快餐的人会选择较咸的食物,而美国人摄入的钠75%来自于加工食品与餐馆食物。美国食品和药品监督管理局的草案指南旨在缓解钠摄入过量带来的潜在健康风险,例如高血压。人们,听从本文中营养学家的建议,已经开始努力降低钠摄入量,包括购买低钠产品,并了解盐含量较多的食品,例如披萨与冷冻鸡块。笔者同时建议人们要有耐心:你的味蕾仅需几周的时间就会适应低钠饮食。 – 《波特兰新闻先驱报》


在芝加哥地区,许多天然食品商店的产品来自Wind Ridge草场的农民兼护士莉丽兹·菲奥欧伦扎(Liz Fiorenza)。她称,用草本植物来代替盐,你的健康与味蕾均会受益。在草本植物解决了她自身的健康问题后,她开始对草本植物产生了兴趣,她现在栽种了500多种不同的草本植物。对于没有农场的人们,本文中也给出了打造室内或窗台花坛的建议,同时也提供了美味食谱,如迷迭香土豆。. – 《信使报》

乔伊·尔(Joy Bauer)的左宗棠鸡菜谱,以及对中餐外带食品的建议

你是不是喜欢中餐,但又希望不会摄入过量的钠、脂肪以及卡路里?听从此视频中乔伊·鲍尔的建议,尝试一下她的左宗棠鸡菜谱,比标准菜谱的脂肪、糖以及钠的含量更低,卡路里也更少。– 《今天》


美国食品药品监督管理局要求食品制造商与餐馆自动减少食品中的钠含量,其后专家也一直提醒消费者减少钠摄入的方法。本文中,克利夫兰诊所营养学家琳赛·马龙(Lindsay Malone)强调了避免摄入含盐量高的食品的重要性,包括袋装面包、熟食肉类与罐装汤类。在外用餐时,钠摄入量也非常高,但马龙建议在外用餐时,点一些简单的餐食,例如烤鲑鱼或烤鸡搭配清蒸蔬菜,大多数餐馆会遵从顾客对食物盐含量的要求。– WRAL.com网







Salt in the News captures news articles (or headlines) related to sodium and sodium reduction that have been published since the last edition, about every 2 weeks. Content includes Industry News, Government News, State/Local News, International News, New Studies and Research, and more. The purpose is to provide a snapshot of sodium-related topics in the media.

June 18-30, 2016

First Tobacco Taxes, Then Sugar Taxes. Is Salt Next?

Does a salt tax make sense? Although such a tax is not under serious consideration in the United States, the concept is gaining traction elsewhere, and some U.S. experts think it is at least worth considering. “There certainly should be a conversation about it,” says Bruce Y. Lee, associate professor of international health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He notes, however, that medical experts would debate appropriate sodium levels for such a tax. Meanwhile, the salt industry has decried U.S. Food and Drug Administration draft guidelines for decreasing sodium in processed and restaurant foods as alarmist. – CBS News

South Africans to Eat Less Salt as New Law Kicks In

Beginning June 30, South Africans will be eating less salt as new legislation to reduce the nutrient in processed foods comes into effect. Following an amendment to foodstuff regulations in March 2013, a 3-year implementation period was granted to allow manufacturers time to experiment with reformulation and make products with less salt that are still acceptable to consumers. Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi’s bill imposes maximum salt targets for many popular foods, including bread, breakfast cereal, margarine and butter, savory snacks, processed meat, soup and gravy powder, instant noodles, and soup stock. Each of these food categories has an individual target to achieve in 2016 and a stricter limit to meet by 2019. – Health24

Chefs Catering for Intolerances but Not Cutting Back on Salt, Sugar, and Fat

Nearly 90% of British chefs are taking gluten and other food intolerances into account when planning menus, but far fewer are taking steps to reduce salt, sugar, or fat, according to a survey of 100 chefs from hospitality recruiter The Change Group. “When we recruit for the top London restaurants, the emphasis is on experience, skills, knowledge of flavors, cuisines, and techniques,” said Craig Allen, co-owner of The Change Group. “We are very rarely asked about a chef’s training in diet and nutrition.” This trend could change, though: “What our survey shows is that a lot of chefs—more than half—have already had some training in diet and nutrition, so the knowledge is definitely there,” Allen said. – Eat Out          

Hypercalciuria Linked to High Urinary Sodium

Elevated sodium levels in a person’s urine can have a significant impact on hypercalciuria, or elevated urinary calcium, and on the recurrence of kidney stone disease, according to new findings presented at the Canadian Urological Association’s recent annual meeting. Researchers reviewed prospective data from 914 patients with kidney stones, 189 of whom had elevated urinary sodium levels. Of these, 81 also had hypercalciuria, a rate twice as high as in the overall population. After a follow-up 24-hour urine analysis, 60 patients were able to achieve normal urinary sodium levels, and hypercalciuria resolved in 85% of these patients. The researchers concluded that patients with kidney stones should be counseled on the importance of dietary salt restriction. – Renal & Urology News

Be Sweet to Your Heart by Eating Less Salt

More than 60% of snackers opt for something salty when given a choice, and about 75% of Americans’ sodium comes from processed foods and restaurant meals. Draft guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are meant to help mitigate the possible health risks of consuming too much sodium, such as high blood pressure. People already trying to cut back can follow this article’s tips from a dietitian, including buying low sodium products and knowing where salt often hides, such as in pizza and frozen chicken nuggets. The author also recommends patience: Taste buds will get used to lower sodium fare in just a few weeks. – Portland Press Herald

Herbs Can Eliminate the Need for a Salt Shaker

Replace salt with herbs, and your health—and your taste buds—will benefit, says farmer and nurse Liz Fiorenza, who sells her Wind Ridge Herb Farm products in many natural food shops in the Chicago area. She became interested in herbs after they helped her resolve her own health issues, and she now grows some 500 varieties of herbs. For those without a farm, this article offers tips for creating an indoor or window box garden as well as recipes for such savory dishes as rosemary potatoes. – Courier-News

Joy Bauer’s Recipe for General Tso’s Chicken, Plus Tips for Chinese Food Takeout

Do you love Chinese food but prefer to skip any extra sodium, fat, and calories? Follow some tips that Joy Bauer shares via this video, and try her recipe for General Tso’s chicken, which delivers less fat, sugar, and sodium—and fewer calories—than the standard dish. – Today

Packaged Food and Eating Out Elevate Sodium Intake

Following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s request that food manufacturers and restaurants voluntarily decrease the sodium in their foods, experts have been reminding consumers of ways to reduce sodium on their own. In this article, Cleveland Clinic dietitian Lindsay Malone highlights the importance of avoiding some of the top salt offenders, including packaged bread, deli meats and canned soups Eating out also presents challenges, but Malone recommends ordering simple dishes such as grilled salmon or chicken with steamed vegetables, and remembering that most restaurants will honor requests to prepare food with no salt. – WRAL.com

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